Monday 6 June 2011

TASK 1: SimplySiti Gala Night

Hello everyone. This is my first task for subject Introduction to Scenography under my lecturer, Nur Afifi Mohamed Taib. The project for SimplySiti Gala Night, I would be representing for Group 2. The project would be based on an ongoing choreography work called 'Bulan Yang Mesra'. This project would contribute to the scenography of the dance piece. The project are to enable to execute a given design and to solve problems arising from it. 

My group's task is to execute special props and special accessories for mytical characters. Amongst the props needed are 'Oil" Lamps and Paper 'moons'. The special accessories is a 2 feet tall gold flower tree. The design concept for the dance piece is 'Arabic' or 'Persian' design.

Suggestion for 'Oil' Lamp's design: 


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